

We cannot live without water. We use water to do many things everyday-to take a bath, to wash things, to cook our food, to irrigate rice fields and to do many other things. We drink about eight glasses of water a day. Without water or food that contains water, a person will die in about a week. Without water, animals and plants will die, too. Without water nothing can live.
Water is a good friend; it helps us many ways. Irrigation is one of them. When we irrigate, we bring water to fields that need it. Even in the parts of Indonesia where there is a great deal of  rain, farmers need to irrigate part of the time, because there is not always rain they need it. And some fields need a lot of water; our wet fields are an example.

For irrigation we often need dams. People have built dams since the earliest times. There is too little water during the dry season, and there is too much water during wet season. Dams store water when there is rain. We use that water for our plants when there is little or no rain. In this way, there is water for the plants all the time. Each plants stores water, too, but it is too little for the needs of the plant during the dry season.
Fifty years ago, there were only a few dams. Then water could be dangerous. In those day, when rainy season came there were many floods. There floods destroyed many houses, plants, animals, and people every year. Now, in many places, dams hold the rain water, so it does not destroy things any more.

Task 1.
Read the question and answer these question according to the text individually in 10 minutes!
1.  What happens to the living things when there is no water?
2.      What do people do in order to irrigate the land regulary?
3.      Why should farmers irrigate the field despite the wet season?
4.      How many function of water are stated in the text?
5.      Wht does the he first faragraph tell us about?

Task 2.
Write T is the statement is true and F if it is false individually in 10 minutes!

1)      Farmers still need irrigation in spite of the wet season.
2)      The main idea of the last paragraph is the floods destroyed everything.
3)      People, animals, and plants will not die without water.
4)      People have not  built dams since the earliest times

Read the question and chose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e! individually in 10 minutes

  1. which one is not correct!
    1. People will die without water.
    2. We drink about eight glasses of water a day.
    3. Dams store water.
    4. Farmers don’t need water in the wet season.
    5. We cannot live without water.
  2. without….there is not enough water for the rice field especially in dry season.
    1. Irrigation.
    2. Irrigate.
    3. Floods.
    4. Rains.
    5. Water.
  3. what is the idea of the first paragraph?
    1. we cannot live without water.
    2. The amount of water we drink every day.
    3. Without water, nothing can live.
    4. How to irrigate the rice field.
    5. The important of water.
  4. how can water be dangerous for as?
    1. It must  be stored in dams.
    2. People must build many dams.
    3. When it is flood.
    4. It happens in the rainy seasons.
    5. When there is no dam.

Kosa kata                                         
Destroy         : menyerang                            Plants    : tanaman
Contains       : mengandung                          Even       : bahkan                                       
Parts             : bagian                                    Flood      : banjir
Wet              : kebasahan/kelembapan           Dam       : bendungan
Earliest time : sebelum waktunya                 During    : selama
Dry               : kering                                      Season   : musim
Store             : penyimpanan                          Without  : tanpa

Farmer use the kedung ombo water to “ irrigate ” their rice field.
How, the have  “irrigation” in the dry season also.

What is the function of dams?
 -For irrigation

Penulis : Rhory Andhika ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Irrigation ini dipublish oleh Rhory Andhika pada hari Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Irrigation

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