English very Important

As we know english very important nowsday. It is an international language, and plays important part in diplomatic affair, conference, finance and other kind of international meeting. It is also which open the door to  sciensific and technological knowledge, which is needed for economic political depelopment of many countries in the world.

In fact, we find the problem, most of students are not able to speak English although they have been syudying it for three or four years. They cannot communicate with the foreigners even they cannot speak with their friend and their English teacher.

When we talk about that, we often find in articles and we ourselves witness even realize about that thing. According to my opinion, it coused by many factors. There are some ways to speak english well:

For the first steps, we must have much store of vacabulary. Actually vocabulary is the important one in studying a language, without having it, of course we can not speak english well, and we can not communice each other. If we want to communicate we must have much store of words as the first step. Then we also have to know how to arrange the words in a sentence, in other words, we should enchance our knowledge in gramar or structure. To increase our vocabulary there are a lot of ways. First, find and learn by heart at least three word a day and night. Second, listen and wacth English program in television. finally, use a good standar of English dictionary. Efective English Coonversation (Jorsh William, 1994).

Second, we must know how to pronounce the words well, besides that we also try to use intonation. A good pronounciation and intonation is nesessary, it can influence listerners. To increase our pronounce, we should enchance our knowledge in grammar, structure and also we should talking English to various people, with our frienfs, tourist for instance. Speak and speak (Alpa Mandapo, 1987).

 Finally, we must have a bravery to speak as a basic capital. In other hand, don’t be ashamed to practice and don’t afraid to make mistakes. Practice make perfect. For example, today we get three new sentences, the try to practice with our friend, we must practice it regulary, in the school. For instance, we practice it with our classmate or schoolmate and also at home, And also don’t ne lazy to practice. Remember a proveb, the more we speak the better it will be. Efective English Conversation ( Jorsh William, 1994)

According my opinion, I believe if we always practice and increase our vacabulary and knowledge of structure, pronounciation and intonation. In the mean time we are not ashamed, of course we are able to speak and I am sure if you follow the above steps you can be speak English well. 

Penulis : Rhory Andhika ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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